Fiscal Policy

Meaning of Fiscal Policy: 

Fiscal Policy may be defined as that part of governmental economic policy which deals with taxation, expenditure, borrowing and the management of public debt in an economy. It is an indispensable instrument of modern public finance. The importance of fiscal policy has greatly increased in modern times, both in the developed as well as the underdeveloped countries of the world. In developed countries, fiscal policy is being increasing used as an instrument to achieve full employment and economic stability. In underdeveloped countries, on the contrary, fiscal policy is more and more being used as a means to step up the rate of economic growth. Fiscal policy primarily concerns itself with the flow of funds in the economy. Taxation diverts the funds from the private sector to the governmental sector. Public expenditure on the contrary, diverts funds from the governmental sector back to the economy. Public borrowing, like taxation also diverts funds from the private sector to the governmental sector, but the two diversions influence the private sector in different ways. Management of public debt includes functions, such as, floating of governmental loans, payment of interest thereon and retirement of matured debts. Fiscal policy, thus, exerts a very powerful influence on the working of the national economy. It directly affects the volume of output, income and employment in the economy. The greater the percentage of national income and expenditure represented by the governmental budget, the greater would be the influence of fiscal policy on aggregate economic activity.

Note: This is published for the internal use (of St. Philomena's College students) only and hence requires verification. 

1 comment:

  1. In countries that our fully developed, This policy is being increase to used as an instrument to achieve full employment and economic stability.
