Applied Branch

Applied branch of Psychology is that area in which all the principles of pure branch will be used.

1. Clinical Psychology:

It involves the application of the principles and theories of abnormal psychology. It is used in the diagnosis and the treatment of emotional and behavioural problems such as mental disorders, delinquency, mental retardation, alcoholism, drug addiction etc. 

The person who works under this area is called as clinical psychologist. 

2. Industrial Psychology:

It involves the application of the principles and theories of social psychology. It is concerned with the human aspects in the industrial fields. The progress of any industry not only depends upon the machines and the men who handles those measurements. It is a process of man to man relationship and man to machine relationship. 

Hence industrial psychology is concerned with the selection of the right man to the right job and right job to the right man. In other words it is primarily concerned with vocational selection and vocational guidance. Both the selection and guidance are made on the basis of aptitude, interest, intelligence and the personality of the individual. For this purpose various tests have been used such as questionnaires and interviews etc. 

3. Educational Psychology:

It involves the application of the principles and theories of child psychology. As the name implies it studies about the psychological problems related to education, measurement of achievements, improvements of teaching techniques, exceptional children, under achievers  student teacher relationship, etc. Apart from this, it also includes emotional, intellectual and adjustment problems of students. Its primary concern is educational guidance and selection.

4. Psychology of Crime:

Criminal behaviour is an anti social conduct that dialect the laws of the land and the society to which he belong to and entails some penalty. Psychology of crime revolts against the old methods of treating the criminals with punishment. It has suggested reformation and retraining of the criminal. 

The largest contribution that the Psychology has made is, changing the attitude of the society towards the juvenile delinquents. 

5. Psychology Applied to Military Affairs:

The application of psychology to military affairs began with the introduction of psychological tests for classification of army personnel during the First World War in America. These psychologists are used for the selection and classification of recruits to various ranks and grades. 

Further they are used to spot out the problem cases which may prove to be a handy cap and liability at the time of danger and tension.

6. Mental Health:

Much importance is given to physical and mental health today than before, because men have subjected to stress-ors and strains today. The methods and techniques of psychology play a very important role in reducing stress. If these stress reducing strategies are followed by an individual, he will be capable of avoiding many physiological problems which may become very serious if not reduced.

7. Psychology of Law:

Law is a formal rule or norm of behaviour approved by the legislature at the state level or by the parliament at the level of the country in the interest of safety and security of life and property of its people. Law deals with the regulation of human behaviour whereas psychology deals with 'how' of human behaviour and it has much to do with law. 

In other words psychology helps to understand how people yield to suggestion and persuasion respective of their duties and responsibilities  It is also used to test the accuracy of the testimony  

Major area of legal psychology is concerned with lie detection. Some of the techniques used for this purpose are psychological indices of emotions such as changes in respiration  blood pressure and galvanic skin response, method of free association etc.

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