Module 01: Question Bank

Two Marks Questions:
- Define macroeconomics.
- Give any four concepts of macroeconomics.
- State any two importance of Macroeconomics.
- What is unemployment?
- What is an economic policy?
- Name any four economic problems in an economy.
- Define National Income.
- Define economic growth.
- Define economic planning.
- What is business cycle?
- Define stagflation.
- Mention the two functions of investment.
- Mention any four central issues of Macro economics.
- What is Fallacy of composition?
- State any four limitations of macro economics.
- What is an exchange rate?
- What is surplus balance of payments?
- What is deficit balance of payments?
- State the types of Macro economics.
- What is macro statics?
- What is Macro dynamics?
- What is comparative macro statics?
- Mention any two concepts of National Income.
- What is NNP?
- What is depreciation?
- What is Personal Income?
- What is disposable personal income?
- What is Per capita income?
- State the methods of measuring National Income.
- State any two difficulties in the estimation of National Income.
- State any two importance of National Income analysis.
Five Marks Questions:
- Define Macroeconomics and discuss its nature.
- Describe the importance of Macro economics.
- Discuss any four central issues of macro economics.
- Describe the subject matter of macro economics.
- Describe any four limitations of macro economics.
- Describe macro statics.
- Describe macro dynamics.
- Describe comparative macro statics.
- Discuss Macro statics v/s Macro dynamics.
- Describe any four concepts of National Income.
- Describe any two methods of calculating the National Income.
- Describe the difficulties in measuring the national income.
- Describe the importance of national income analysis.
Ten Marks Questions:
- Describe the central issues of macro economics.
- Describe the limitations of macro economics.
- Describe the types of macro economics.
- Describe the concepts of National Income.
- Describe the methods of measurement of the National Income.
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